by Carrie Moritz, Gazette
At Monday's city council meeting, the Garretson City Council heard a specific run-down from the Minnehaha Sheriff's Department on what deputies have been covering over the past two months. At the same meeting, they heard a pitch to replace water meters, and rejected a request to formally require that council packets and agendas be posted to the city website at least six days in advance of a meeting.
During committee reports, the council set its Equalization Meeting for March 17 at 6:00 p.m. Forms will be due back by March 13.
President Richelle Hofer presented on behalf of Garretson Economic Development as Director Chris Fields was out. She announced that GED has been busy establishing marketing for the city, along with promoting individual businesses through social media and publishing ads in partner periodicals. They have also submitted an application to the SD Dept of Transportation to install 253rd St east of Hwy 11, which would allow for another entrance into the industrial development. Two new board members will be joining GED at the end of April, to fill the positions vacated by Chad Hanisch and Richelle Hofer, who is ending her term as of the GED Annual Meeting on March 24.
Garretson Volunteer Fire Department Chief Tad Heitkamp was in attendance to give an update to the council, and stated that 2024 was a busy year for them, and 2025 is shaping up to be similar.
"In 2024, we had 180 calls. We were dispatched for 120 of them," he stated. Of the calls, 133 were medical, eleven were motor vehicle accidents, and eight were grass fires. They had several mutual aid calls.
In 2025 so far, they've fielded 35 calls, which is "in the wrong direction for our guys," Heitkamp continued. He pointed out their roster is currently 28 strong, with 356 years’ worth of experience, which is impressive, he said.
Firefighter of the Year was Dante Tezza, and business of the year was Kirby Lowe Construction, awards that were given at their annual meeting held in January.
The ambulance is just as busy, according to Ambulance Director Kurtis Nelson.
"As Tad alluded to, we're up to 52 calls this year," he said. "So we're on track for another record if that continues."
The Garretson Ambulance will be hosting its annual breakfast on April 27 from 9:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. The popular meal raises funds for the volunteer service, and has in the past helped pay for a new truck and other amenities that help reduce load for the almost all-volunteer roster.
Captain Adam Zishka with the Minnehaha Sheriff's Department was on hand to speak with the council, and reported the department has also been busy in Garretson.
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