by Greg Beaner, Mayor, City of Garretson
Things have been really busy at city hall, and I just wanted to give everyone an update. The most exciting topic is the RFP (Request for Performance) from architectural firms. The last day for submission was May 1st. We had 21 firms submit proposals for the possible Community Center. The council and I will be reviewing the submissions and we will be interviewing the top 3 firms. We have also talked with the Southeast Cooperative of Governments about our financing options. There is obviously a long way to go, but this is a good start.
The council has been working very hard in regards with what to do about COVID-19. The governor has requested that we start phasing back to normal for businesses and life in general. Her plan is called “Back to Normal”. It is pretty vague and is open to a lot of interpretation. The council has let the initial ordinance expire and voted on a new ordinance. The new ordinance lifts the 10 person limit but requires social distancing of six foot and occupancy must be no more than half of the business’ total occupany load as determined by the Fire Marshal. Obviously businesses should continue good employee hygiene and frequent hand washing. This new ordinance will be reviewed at a special meeting on May 27th. The council also voted to open up the parks including camping, playgrounds, picnic shelters, and restrooms. Council member Jodi Gloe will be working with the Park Board to create signs with basic rules including social distancing. I feel that the key point here is just some basic common sense.
We have been busy working trying to improve and secure commodity for our natural gas system. We are currently working with Humboldt and Crooks to create a new tap on the natural gas pipeline. Humboldt will use the old tap and Crooks/Garretson will share a new tap. This will secure enough capacity for Crooks and Garretson as we grow and develop. As our new natural gas consultant, Clayton Energy will start locking down natural gas futures for us. This should allow for more stable and lower natural gas prices this winter.
There have been a lot of people wondering about the street project. As frustrated as people are that the project isn’t happening quickly I want you to consider the other option. We could have a Main Avenue that was torn up and not finished this last winter and would still be unfinished now. After the city council meeting on Monday evening, we were notified that the bid by First Rate Excavate has been accepted by the bond company. To be honest, this is very preliminary and we don’t have a start date or even a pre-construction meeting date yet. Even though this is early I just want to say this is great news and a really important first step. Craig Nussbaum has had a plan to get the potholes fixed as soon as the weather is warm enough and is working to get the street fixed from a recent fertilizer spill. Anna Uhl has worked with SECOG and we will be receiving additional funding in the form of a grant and low interest loan for the completion part of the 3rd Street/Truck Route project.
With the initial COVID response the city council rescheduled the city election for Ward 3 to Tuesday, June 2nd. I would encourage everyone from Ward 3 to get out and vote. The last day for voter registration is May 18th. The election will be held at the American Legion. If you don’t feel comfortable voting in person, you can request an absentee ballot from city hall or at and go to auditor/elections. Absent ballots can be requested up to 5pm on Monday, June 1st and must be received at the city hall by 7pm Tuesday, June 2nd.
I hope that everyone stays safe and has a great May. If you have any questions please contact me at or contact the council member from your ward.