Fall is Here! Hopefully no October surprises. Lots of fun things going on in Garretson in October, just want to highlight a few.
Annie's Annual Fall Festival- October 5th from 9 AM-1 PM on Depot Ave in front of Annie's. Crafts, produce, hot chocolate and food specials.
Garretson Area Historical Society and Museum free will dinner and BINGO. Saturday October 12th at Legion. Food starts at 5:30, BINGO at 6:45 until 9 PM. 50% Payout. Bring the whole family!
Commercial Club Trunk or Treat- Thursday October 31st from 5-7 PM. Lots of cool stops for the kids and family.
My subject for the month is Pooh (not Winnie). I walk my Dog twice a day and always carry a couple of plastic bags to pick up her poo.
Apparently a lot of folks don't. A couple of weeks ago a young couple walked their dog by my house as I was working in my yard. Their dog pooed in my front yard.
I approached them and asked them if they were going to pick it up. They didn't know why they should. That in its self is a little disturbing, but I explained it to them. Please review the following city ordinance;
(A) No person shall create or maintain any condition or operate any equipment or keep any animal, fowl, pet, or insect under his or her jurisdiction in a way that is likely to cause the transmission of diseases from animals or insects to humans. (B) No owner, keeper, caretaker, or attendant of an animal shall allow an animal to defecate on public or private property other than his or her own. If such animal does defecate upon public or private property, the owner, keeper, caretaker, or attendant must immediately and thoroughly clean the fecal matter from such property. Violation of any part of this section is punishable by a fine or by imprisonment, or both. (C) Anyone walking an animal on public or private property other than his or her own must carry with him or her visible means of cleaning up any fecal matter left by the animal. Animals used in parades or involved in law enforcement are exempt from this section.
This may seem like a trivial thing to some, but for children, and even adults, stepping in a pile of poo is not pleasant. Please carry a bag and pick up your pups poo. You can be fined and no one wants that.
Have a great October and enjoy the beautiful weather.
-Bruce Brown,
Mayor Garretson, SD