By Dave Baumeister
County Correspondent
SIOUX FALLS – Auditor Ben Kyte briefed the Minnehaha County Commission on the 2021 budget for the final time at this week’s meeting.
The budget figures he presented were much lower than for the previous year.
With the total proposed budget just over $104 million, it is $9 million lower than the FY2021 budget of $113 million.
Kyte explained the breakdown showing an expected $60.5 million in property tax revenue. Other expected revenues come in through various fees, licenses, grants, etc. to balance the budget.
Although there are opt-out dollars the county could access, none of that money will be needed for 2022.
Next week, Tuesday, Sept. 28, the final budget will be voted on at a public hearing during the regular commission meeting.
Also, this week, the commission was briefed on new floodplain information by Albert Schmidt from the city of Sioux Falls.
Schmidt presented maps and figures about how floodplain maps were changing, and he was looking to see if the county wanted to use city projections and protections in the joint jurisdiction area beyond city limits.
Commissioners had several questions for him, but they decided to take the matter under advisement and asked for copies of his PowerPoint presentation and other links, “so we have an opportunity to learn more about this, and then get back to the city,” said Commissioner Jean Bender.

No more nuisance
Kevin Hoekman from Planning and Zoning gave an update on a nuisance complaint from the July 27 meeting on the property at 26449 467th Ave.
Previously, because she was in the process of having things cleaned up, the commission voted to give property owner Dawn Dede until Sept. 8 to do so.
Hoekman was back to investigate and take more photos on that day, and at this meeting, he said, “I am pleased to report the property has been cleaned up to the satisfaction of the Planning and Zoning Department.”
He went on to report that the issues from July had all been addressed and recommended that no further action be taken against Dede.
The commission members unanimously agreed.
Commissioner Jeff Barth recalled that at that same meeting in July, the neighboring property at 26447 467th Ave. had also been the subject of a nuisance complaint.
Hoekman said that property owner was given until the end of October to have his problems taken care of.
In July, it was established that a renter at that address who owned a salvage yard was helping Dede, his neighbor, clean up her property, so commissioners gave him extra time to then deal with his own problems.
However, Hoekman said he hadn’t been on that property to see how work was progressing, but that he had another month to complete his clean-up.
The commission also unanimously approved a new contract with the South Dakota Air National Guard.
As in the past, the Air Guard has paid the Minnehaha County Sheriff’s Dept. to provide security for their base.
The current contract is for $931,800, but the new contract for the next year will be increased to $1.1 million.
Public input encouraged
Along with the 2022 budget hearing next week, people are encouraged to offer thoughts and opinions during the second reading of the new county medicinal cannabis ordinance.
That meeting will start at 9 a.m., Sept. 28, in the commission meeting room on the second floor of the Minnehaha County Administration Building.
Also, if people wish to speak about matters not on the agenda, time will be allotted for that, as well.