FFA Member Success at State Fair


            Members of the South Dakota FFA participated in a wide range of educational activities during the 2021 South Dakota State Fair held September 1st-5th, in Huron. At the State Fair, there were 360 FFA members who exhibited 1224 exhibits. Garretson FFA members Drew Pederson, Sarah Welch, and Trevon Cross received high marks in the following categories, with Pederson taking home a scholarship from the South Dakota Beef Boosters.


Market Beef Showmanship
Garretson FFA members Sarah Welch (2nd from right) and Drew Pederson (far right) received top marks in Market Beef Showmanship at the 2022 South Dakota State Fair, with Pederson attaining first place and Welch attaining second place.

            Champion Market Steer – Ty Bergh, Florence

            Reserve Champion Market Steer – Kaitlyn Micheel, Huron

            Champion Market Heifer – Kai Thomsen, Madison Central

            Reserve Champion Market Heifer – Drew Pederson, Garretson      

            Market Beef Showmanship – 1st Place: Drew Pederson, Garretson, 2nd Place: Sarah Welch, Garretson, 3rd Place: Kai Thomsen, Madison Central

            Breeding and Market Beef Showmanship sponsored by Jakober Limousin.


Overall Grand Champ Dairy T Cross
Trevon Cross received Champion Milking Doe and Overall Champion Dairy Goat at the 2022 State Fair.

            Champion Doe- Oakleigh Reis-Elwood, Chamberlain

            Reserve Champion Doe- Brityn Davies, Lake Preston

            Champion Milking Doe- Trevon Cross, Garretson

            Reserve Champion Milking Doe- Makayla Cross, Dell Rapids

            Overall Champion Dairy Goat- Trevon Cross, Garretson

            Dairy Goat Showmanship-1st Place: Kyle Hamilton, Hitchcock-Tulare, 2nd Place: Trevon Cross, Garretson, 3rd Place: Brityn Davies, Lake Preston

            Dairy Goat Awards sponsored by Boldt Farms


Round Robin Showmanship D Pederson J Nold
Drew Pederson (right) was overall Round Robin Showmanship winner. Along with Round Robin Showmanship, the senior took home a large scholarship. Pederson is the son of Jana & Kipp Julson and Mark & Jen Pederson.

            1st Place – Drew Pederson, Garretson

            2nd Place – Josie Nold, Brookings

            Round Robin Showmanship sponsored by Odden Cattle Company.

            Funding for these events are made possible as a special project of the SD FFA Foundation. FFA Livestock Show premiums are sponsored Hart Angus, Livestock Specialists Inc., Horizon View Farms, TexKota Panel, and SD Cattelmen’s Foundation. Exhibitors show t-shirts are sponsored by: 605 Sires; Cargill; Cob Creek Cattle; Custom Genetic Solutions Dakotaland Feeds; DeJong Ranch; Gullickson Family Livestock; Lazy J Bar Ranch; Midwest Veterinary Service; Beef Bucks Inc.; SD Lodge for Fraternal Order of Police; Sleepy Hollow Farm; Stangl Shorthorns; Texkota Panel; Horizon View Farm; Cattle Business Weekly; Whetstone Commodities; Wagner Herefords; Hart Angus; and Livestock Specialists.

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