On Sunday, Garretson's Zion Lutheran Church sent 20 youth and four youth leaders to New Orleans for the 2024 ELCA Youth Gathering.
The theme of the event was "Created to Be," and worked to remind youth that they matter, are loved, and are sent out into the world to love like Jesus. Approximately 16,000 youth and youth leaders were expected to attend.
Zion Lutheran asked that all people, "During their time at the Gathering, pray that they will be seen, heard, and cared for, finding the love of Christ all around them. We want them to know they matter, that they are loved and they are sent out into the world to love like Jesus. May they return home safely, filled with enthusiasm to share the impact of their faith-building experience and have a renewed understanding of our common task – doing God’s work in the world and finding the love of Christ!"
They will be returning next Sunday, the 21st.