Community Updates for October 17, 2024


  • Legion News
  • Split Rock Bowling Update

October 3, 2024 Legion Report

            The Henry G. Fix Post 23 meeting opened on Thursday, September 3rd at 7:56 pm.  The meeting was opened by Commander Jon Schmidt with a salute to the Colors, POW/MIA observance, the Pledge of Allegiance, and Preamble to the American Legion Constitution.  Chaplain Lampe offered the prayer.  24 members were present. 

            The Sons of the American Legion were present as our special guests.  Representing the detachment was South Dakota Commander Shane Lamer, and Jesse Kindelspire.

            Jesse is working with Scout Cooper Rey on a database of all Veteran’s graves in the four largest cemeteries in Sioux Falls.  Data will include pictures of headstones and GPS locations.  He is looking to add other rural cemeteries.  The American Legion Adjutant will work with Jesse to add the eleven cemeteries that Post 23 supports.     

            The minutes of the previous meeting were presented and approved. The finance and social reports were approved.  Bills were approved for payment. 

            Service Officer Nancy Grandy reported that get well cards were sent to Neal Albers and Steve Frerk.  Nancy passed out the October newsletter.  Nancy highlighted Mark Williamson’s future attendance on the Mission 21 Honor Flight.  Our Auxiliary will be hosting a fundraiser on October 18th. 

            The membership report was given by Nancy Grandy.  She reported that our 2025 goal is 201 members.  Our October goal is 55% (111 members).  We currently have a total of 115 renewed members (57%) at this point.  Our November goal is 131 members.

            Nancy Grandy passed out the Meals with Veterans forms for the school.  The Adjutant brought up the Department Commanders camping scholarship program.  A motion passed to sponsor a scout for $400.   

            Brian Siemonsma gave the baseball report.  The Department of South Dakota VFW has named the Garretson Baseball Association as a Friend of South Dakota VFW Baseball.  The Garretson Baseball Association was awarded $500 for their positive attitudes and for hosting the 14U tournament. 

            The bathrooms were discussed.  There is only caulking left to complete.   

            The Vietnam Vets Legacy MC Poker Run started their ride at our Post on Saturday, September 7th.  Josh Lampe thanked the Post for hosting and reported a nice turnout for the event. 

            Our next Post meeting will be Thursday, November 7th with the meal at 7 pm and meeting at 8 pm.  The next Post breakfast will be October 6th from 9 am to 1 pm with scrambled eggs and ham.  The next County meeting will be held in Dell Rapids on October 29th with a start time of 7 pm.  The next District meeting will be held October 26th in Dell Rapids with a social at 11 am, meal at noon, and meeting at 1 pm.

            Beth Welch asked if the final football meal could take place at the Legion on Thursday, October 17th.  A motion passed to approve use of the building.

            Sons of the American Legion Commander Shane Lamer spoke about their organization.  They are the fastest growing organization within the Legion.  They have over 400,000 members nationwide.  South Dakota has opened 16 new detachments in the last 4 years.  Shane would like to see Garretson start a detachment.  Andy Lyngen endorsed Shane’s comments and supports forming a detachment. 

            The monthly raffle drawing took place.  There were 5 drawings for October.  Winners were:  Ben Johnson, Deanna Hentges, Maggie Hall, Deb Sundem, and Tyler Engebretson.  Each will receive $150!

            Commander Jon Schmidt closed the meeting with the usual ceremony at 8:49 pm. 

-Respectfully submitted,

Mark Wiesner,

Post 23 Historian

Splitrock Bowling:

            The Splitrock Ladies bowled on October 8th, 2024, with the following results:

 High Team Game & Series - Rock River Ag, LLC - 899 & 2480.

             High Individual Game - Marcia Bork & Cheryl Scholl each had a 186.

             High Individual Series - Jill Reindl – 457.

             Amy Caldwell picked up the 4-7-9 split.

            Cheryl Scholl picked up the 2-7 & 4-5 splits.

            Marcia Ryken picked up the 4-5 split.

            Renee Nelson picked up the 6-7 & 2-7 split.

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