Successful Trunk or Treat last Saturday

Though there was a great turnout from local businesses and citizenry bringing their vehicles to the fun, there were less trick or treaters on Oct. 28 due to the snow flurries and winds that brought frosty cold temperatures to the festivities. It was cold enough that one vehicle’s battery died, but thankfully friends supplied a jumpstart.
That is not to say that there weren’t some very colorful characters that came out to play. The costume game was very strong this year, and the kids with the most elaborate and padded costumes were having a great time. This year the Trunk or Treat event was sponsored by the Garretson Park’s Board.

Garretson Area Red Hats Oct. Adventures

The Garretson Red Hatter's met for their October outing by attending the Mighty Corson Art Theater. The play was titled "They Promised Her the Moon" by Laurel Olstein. The cast of only 6 members performed a wonderful production based on a true story of the first American woman to test for space flight. After the play we enjoyed a meal at The Gruff Plates in Brandon. A great way to spend the day with friends.
-submitted by Rhonda Kirton
Splitrock Bowling:
The Splitrock Ladies bowled on October 24th, 2023, with the following results:
High Team Game & Series - Garretson, Ins. - 850 & 2444.
High Individual Game & Series - Jan Fonder - 174 & 471.
Pat Paulsen picked up the 4-5 & 3-10 splits.
Kathie Franz picked up the 3-7-10 & 6-7 splits.
Marlene Blum picked up the 3-10 split.
Amanda Lumpkin picked up the 3-6-7 split.
The Splitrock Ladies bowled on October 17th, 2023, with the following results:
High Team Game - Jesse James – 872.
High Team Series - Garretson, Ins. – 2467.
Kathie Franz picked up the 6-7-10 split.
Barb Risty picked up the 3-10 split.
Marcia Bork picked up the 5-6 split.
Renee Nelson picked up the 5-7 split.