Community Happenings for March 2, 2024


Garretson Commercial Club February 14, 2024

The Combine 2/Sports Cabin

            Board Members Present: Luke Dreckman, Carrie Moritz, Laurie Bennett, Macie Coburn and Kris Johnson Guests: Ron Luke, Garrick Moritz, Rob Meyer and John Brinkman.

            The Secretary’s Report and Treasurer’s Report were not approved because of lack of quorum at the begging of the meeting.

Old Business:

            There is nothing new from Macie on the Non-Profit Status. Luke will reach out to Mollie, CPA from SF, who is working on this.

            Luke reviewed the State Park signage. One icon will change to read Dump Station rather than City Dump. A 4x8’ vinyl sign cover was discussed for easier changes in the future. The Club will look at the final product before voting.

            The Dinner Detective performance was discussed by Luke. The comments are all positive from those in attendance. There were 70 meals prepared, 56 tickets sold and 48 in attendance, and 7 performers. The volunteer help did not show up. The performers charged $2,100. The event broke even and it was felt that an activity like this to get people together in the community was a good thing.

            Macie discussed the Google Drive. We can start putting our future records, reports and receipts into this database. She discussed the GCC getting a portable scanner. All board members should have access.

            Carrie discussed the phone book. This will be called the Garretson Residential, Business and Phone Book Directory going forward. It will entail a broader scope of Garretson with all the contact numbers and community information. Amber from PPI will work with her. The full Garretson Commercial Club membership will be included. All the front and back page ad spots have been filled. The only spot open is the 1⁄2 page on page 3. She is hoping to get a proof out by next meeting for the club to review. The end of march will be the anticipated completion date.

            We talked about the collaboration with GED and Jessica Fueston on the upcoming Artfest and Independence Day Celebrations. We discussed getting the GCC toddler trains for the Independence Day Celebration.

            RASDak was discussed and we will wait to see what Kris Frek has in mind when she gets back from Texas. The Legion is talking about an early morning breakfast. The school will provide gym space for the Friday overnight stay. The bicyclists will leave Garretson around 7:00 am on Saturday morning. A kind of community food event for Friday night was discussed.

            The Annual Meeting was recapped. The meal cost $525 and legion rent was $100. The attendance of 45 people was down a little bit from previous years.

New Business:

            The Jesse James Days celebration, a future GCC fundraiser and the Purple Heart Business designation were tabled for lack of time.

            The 2024 GCC Membership List was reviewed from the packet. We are estimating 59 paid members so far. The club will review the voting privileges of full members versus associate memberships. Currently both can cast one vote per organization. There may be an opportunity for associate organizations to become full members if their voting privilege is taken away by changing the current by-laws. There was a M/S from Laurie/Macie to approve the Exercise Place’s membership of $75 for 2024. The motion passed.

            Luke reviewed the attached Business Questionnaire. This will be given to each business when Luke delivers the GCC decals. We feel this can provide business milestones, profile websites, boost posts and provide job openings for businesses into the Garretson website. There was a M/S from Carrie/Kris to move forward with this business questionnaire. This motion passed.

Other Business:

Rob mentioned about the SD Public Broadcast will show up soon in Garretson to record and showcase the community. They have been talking with Jessica Fuetson with GED about this already. M/S to adjourn by Carrie/Laurie. This motion passed.

            The next GCC Board Meeting will be on March 13th at Palisade Oil 11:30 meal and 12:00 noon meeting.

Splitrock Bowling:

            The Splitrock Ladies bowled on February 27th, 2024, with the following results:

            High Team Game & Series - Steve's Electric - 895 & 2562.

            High Individual Game - Marcia Bork – 190.

            High Individual Series - Kathie Franz – 482.

            Ann Behrend picked up the 5-7, 2-7 & 4-5-7 splits.

            Joann Gundvaldson picked up the 5-7-9 split.

            Cheryl Scholl picked up the 2-7 split.

            Vickie Wielenga picked up the 4-5-10 split.

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