Garretson Lion’s Club begins

The Garretson Lions Club had their official start as officers were sworn in on Monday, May 20th.
The Garretson Lions are a branch club of the Brandon area Lions club, so will be associated with that group in many joint ventures in the future. Front row are Garretson Lion Chris McGregor, Treasurer; Lion Jackie Cerkowniak, Zone 7 Chair; Garretson Lion Guy Johnson, Secretary; Lion Lisa Johnson, Lion Alice Peiper, President of the Brandon Lions Club; Lion LeeAnn Haisch, 5SE District Governor. Back row are: Lion George Martin, Brandon Lions Club member; Lion Dennis Olson, Secretary of the Brandon Lions Club; and Lion Reid Christopherson, Garretson resident and a member of the SF Downtown Club.
Not pictured are Garretson Lion’s Club president Jessie Koob and Marketing Coordinator Zeb Johnson.
Watch for more as this group starts from its infancy and continues to grow and engage in service projects in the community.
Splitrock Bowling:
The Splitrock Ladies bowled on April 16th, 2024, with the following results:
High Team Game & Series - JSA Engineers/Land Surveyors - 843 & 2460.
High Individual Game - Bonnie Kramer – 175.
High Individual Series - Cheryl Scholl – 469.
Rhonda Baker picked up the 5-7 split.
Pat Paulsen picked up the 6-7-10 split.
Holly Mulder picked up the 5-6-10 split.
Bonnie Kramer picked up the 3-10 split.
This was their last season game. Jesse James won the second half. There will be a roll-off between JSA & Jesse James next week. The banquet will be on April 30th at Eastway Bowl at noon. See you there.