Community Happenings



            The American Legion Auxiliary met on October 5.  President, Cheryl, opened the meeting and Denise, filling in for Sue, led us in prayer. 

            Roll Call indicated one officer absent.  The secretary’s report was read, approved and placed on file.  The treasurer’s report was read, approved and placed on file for audit.  Linda reported that our membership is now at 130.  Our goal  is 197.  Karen Vandersnick has agreed to be our new card person and a number of cards were sent in September.  September Bingo involved 20 residents with four volunteers.

            There were no bills.  Communications from our District President, Noelle Bonjour were read by the secretary.  The upcoming district meeting will be October 21st in Tea.  There was an article on the Veteran’s Stand Down held in Sioux Falls.  It was an event to give needed items to veterans. 

            We will donate $300.00 to the V.A. for the Christmas gift shop.  Make a Difference Day is October 20. The Blood Mobile will be at the Legion and we will be providing food items for donors.  The hours are 11:00 to 5:00.  Da’Nan will be participating in the local Trunk or Treat for Halloween.

            Honor Flight is October 10 and we will have three local participants with guardians.  They are Gary Lyngen, Marty Leubke and Jim Kurtz. 

            Bingo at Palisade HealthCare will be Wednesday, October 11 at 2:30 and volunteers are needed.  Our next meeting is November 2.  Denise closed the meeting with prayer.

-Ethel Kurtz, Secretary

Splitrock Bowling:

            The Splitrock Ladies bowled on October 3rd, 2023, with the following results:

            High Team Game & Series - Rock River Ag., LLC - 849 & 2475.

            High Individual Game & Series - Jan Fonder - 194 & 478.

            Jan Fonder picked up the 3-9-10 split.

            Julaine Walked picked up the 9-10 & 4-6 splits.

            Bonnie Kramer picked up the 4-5 split.

            Renee Nelson picked up the 2-7 split.

Mighty Corson Art Players open Season 41 with timely, historical drama They Promised Her the Moon.

            BRANDON, SD - The Mighty Corson Art Players (MCAP) are opening their 41st season with a powerful historical drama, They Promised Her the Moon from playwright Laurel Ollstein.

            In vividly theatrical terms, They Promised Her the Moon tells the unknown, true story of an exceptional and unjustly overlooked woman: Jerrie Cobb, the first American woman to be tested for spaceflight. In They Promised Her the Moon, a skilled aviator and world-record-holding pilot fights against the powerful societal and governmental forces that keep her from orbit.

            “They Promised Her the Moon is a history lesson, cautionary tale, and a powerful story of both the sacrifices and joys in creating your own path, wrapped up into one,” said director Brian Schipper. “Using a blend of imagined conversation and documented congressional records and transcripts, we're telling Jerrie Cobb's real-life story as she quite literally wills her dreams to take flight.”

            Returning to the stage are MCAP veterans Macie Lupica, Nathan Sparks, Tyler F. Johnson, Nancy Tapken and Alicia J. Van Der Bill. New to the MCAP family is Devin Finecy, returning to the stage after a 15-year hiatus.

            For Schipper, this is his 23rd show with MCAP, and with They Promised Her the Moon, he believes the community theatre is leaning into its strengths.

            “This production is showcasing some of the things that are increasingly becoming MCAP's sweet spot: complex and deep characters, multidimensional story telling, and a thoughtfully chosen narrative to tell that (hopefully) leaves an imprint on the hearts of our audience,” Schipper said. “We're challenging ourselves once again to tell a big story in an intimate way.”

            They Promised Her the Moon runs for two weekends at the Corson Playhouse: October 13, 14, 20, 21 at 7:30pm and October 15, 22 at 2:30pm. Tickets are $20 and can be found online at or by calling (605) 854-1951. This show contains brief instances of language and mature themes.

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