Local child care center expands to help address the increasing need for more space and more daycare opportunities.
by Marieke Salomon, GHS Blue Ink
For a couple of months the Blue Dragon Academy, located in Garretson, has been adding on to their already existing building.
“The new addition is going to be a gym where the kids can play and have a place to power out during cold winter days,” stated Heidi Fink the head of the Blue Dragon Academy.
“The new addition also includes an expansion of the kitchen and the multi-purpose room,” explained Fink.
“We are hoping that the new gym is going to be done by the end of February. A thing that will change though is that we will separate the 1- and 2-year-old room so they have their own rooms,” stated Fink.
The addition costs about $750,000 and will give the kids a great new opportunity to burn energy.
“We decided to add on because of the current need for childcare in our community and because of our growing wait list. If we can get staff hired we hope to be able to increase enrollment. We will also offer summer time only spots for our school age program,” stated Heidi Fink.
The long planned project now becomes reality and will give a lot of kids a great place to play and have fun.