by: Chloe Schleuter; Chapter Reporter

Garretson, SD; On Thursday, June 3rd, 2021 the Garretson FFA Chapter held their annual Bike Safety Program; a few days short of hosting it during National Bike Safety Month in May. There were 29 youth from in and around the Garretson Community who were in attendance for this program. Youth participated in a classroom instruction piece which taught the importance of bike safety, how to be safe, traffic signs, and proper signals to let others on the road know your plans when riding on the roads. Youth then went through a brief bicycle inspection to ensure their bicycles were safe and ready to be ridden; this was an opportunity for FFA members to assist the youth in adjusting handlebars, fasten kick stands, and air up some tires to ensure everyone is safe. Lastly, the youth went through a course where they practiced what they learned in the classroom and put it to use, especially working on the hand signals. Every participant walked away with their own ‘Bicycle License’ in acknowledgment of their completion of the program. We plan to visit local daycare(s) in the area to read and learn about bike safety with the non-school aged youth later this month. The Garretson FFA looks forward to seeing more youth in our community participate next year.