Big summer meeting for School Board


Work nearly complete on Athletic Complex, Electric Busses in Oct., W. Compton takes K. Flanagan’s seat

by Garrick Moritz, Gazette

            The Garretson School Board met for their July Meeting on the 17th. This was the final meeting for Kari Flanagan, who has served on the board for nine years.

            Wanting to formally recognize Flanagan for her service on the Garretson School Board, Superintendent Guy Johnson presented Flanagan with a commemorative plaque, and celebratory cupcakes were distributed to everyone in attendance.

            “We want to thank you for your long-term commitment in service to the district,” said board president Shannon Nordstrom.

two people posing with plaque
Kari Flanagan received a commemorative plaque for 9 years of service.

            Changes to coaching staff and extra-curricular assignments were reported by Superintendent Johnson, who also noted that with the hiring of 2nd grade teacher Denae Bass, all the certified teaching positions open for the district had been filled. New hire Reece Moehlenbrink will be moving from junior high football to assistant varsity coach. Jill Whalen will move from assistant track coach to head girls track coach. Kevin Steckler will be adding junior high football coach to his roster. Jacob Schweitzer will be a new assistant track coach. New hire Tracy Stallman will be managing the middle school science fair instead of Amber Williamson. Stallman will take on duties as the oral-interp coach as well.

            Board member Jodi Gloe asked if Flanagan wanted to make the motion to adjourn the first meeting, and Flanagan responded that she never actually had made the motion to adjourn and wasn’t going to break that precedent, and she did not. The board then briefly adjourned, and as everyone enjoyed treats, the business of the 2022-23 school board ended.

            The 2023-24 board then reconvened. Supt. Johnson and business manager Schweitzer opened the new meeting by administering the oath of office to board member Andy Hulscher and new board member Wyatt Compton.

            After they were instated, Supt. Johnson asked for nominations for new board chairperson/president. Shannon Nordstrom was nominated by Andy Hulscher and the board voted to again make Nordstrom the school board chair/president. Nordstrom, taking over the meeting, asked for nominations for vice-chair. Jodi Gloe nominated Hulscher and the board voted him in as vice-chair.

            Moving right along, the board began to examine annual resolutions that the board must adopt to function as a district; agreeing to pay the bills for the year, who the school’s purchasing agent should be, the official bank, the schools attorney, designation of the school’s official newspaper, and to hold elections jointly with the City of Garretson, should the need arise. No office or official assignments in this block of resolutions changed, save that for those once held by Flanagan, would now be held by Hulscher, such as the power of being a signatory for payment of bills.

            New board member Wyatt Compton asked about the Associated School Boards of South Dakota mutual assistance pact, and Supt. Johnson explained that it was a pact that schools join in case of bus failures. Other schools provide busses or drivers should a breakdown or other emergency happen to ensure our students arrive home safely. Compton wanted to know if it had come in handy, and Supt. Johnson said that our district had both helped other districts and had needed to be helped, and that it was a great program.

            Board President Nordstrom asked a similar question about joining the ASBSD and SDUSA. The Associated School Boards of South Dakota he understood well, but he wasn’t sure about what SDUSA was. Supt. Johnson explained that once there were three lobbying groups who lobbied the legislature on behalf of SD schools, each specializing in district sizes small, medium and large. They had since joined to become one group known as the South Dakota United Schools Association (SDUSA).


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