August From the Mayors Desk:


headshot photograph of man with beard
Bruce Brown. //Carrie Moritz, Gazette

            I want to continue on introductions of city employees. While Jordan and JR work together on many projects they have specific tasks they are responsible to get done.

            Jordan Doane is Director of Public Works. He has primary responsibility for all public utilities which includes service calls and maintenance for water, sewer and natural gas. Garretson is one of only 4 communities in South Dakota that own their natural gas system, and one of only 3 that performs all their own service including service, installs, and pipeline management. Jordon is certified for this and we are currently having JR go through the certification process, so that we have multiple people able to work on the system. Jordan is also in charge of the street department and oversees all the upgrades and repairs. He is currently really busy preparing for the 4th Street Project which will begin shortly. As with all our city maintenance employees, he works where ever he is needed to keep our community running smoothly.

            JR Hofer reports to Jordan, and is charge of the Parks and Recreation Departments. He is responsible for all maintenance of parks and green spaces in our community. He oversees all the summer help including staffing at swimming pool, Devils Gulch and Split Rock Park. You will see JR outside working much of the time so that everything is perfect! If we are short on mowers, he is riding one as well. JR also is our City Building and Code Inspector. He works with contractors and local folks to make sure all construction meets State, County and local building codes. If you have a question about building something he is a great place to start. During the winter he, Jordan and Sonya work to keep the streets open and flowing. The last couple of years this has been a huge job!

            I also want to mention all the great folks who work at the pool, Split Rock and Devils Gulch, without these great people things just couldn't get done.

            On a slightly different subject. Did you know that it is against CITY ORDINANCE to blow your lawn grass in the street? Yep it is. There is a good reason for it too. Grass clipping, leaves and misc garbage flows into the storm sewers and slows or plugs drainage. Simply, this results in your streets being flooded. Please don't blow your grass, weeds or leaves into the street. You can take them to the city brush pile for free. Please help out our city folk workers (and of course avoid a citation).

            In August and September I will being doing some “Coffee with the Mayor” meetings at local businesses. I will post days and times on Garretson Living as well as city web site. Here's your chance to ask questions, find answers and make suggestions. Hope to see you!

-Bruce Brown


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