By Dave Baumeister
County Correspondent
SIOUX FALLS – “Opt-out” was the word on the lips of Minnehaha County Commissioners here at their Tuesday, May 28 meeting.
Although no one was proposing a property tax freeze opt-out, several commissioners mentioned the very real possibility of taking an opt-opt as they outline the budget process for this year.
“We are about to start into some deep work on the 2020 budget,” Commissioner Jeff Barth said, “and I really hope our citizens pay attention, because it’s going to be a tough year, and it’s important that questions be asked and answered as we go through the process, and (people) don’t come back and ask questions after it has all been approved.”
County administrator Carol Muller outlined upcoming dates in the 2020 budgeting process for the next few months, saying that it all starts June 8.
On that Tuesday afternoon, commissioners were to hear from the sheriff’s and state’s attorney’s offices about next year’s staffing needs.
On Thursday, June 6, at 8 a.m. commissioners were going to hear from six other departments about their needs to increase staffing.
At a special meeting on Wednesday, June 19, also scheduled for 8 a.m., county commissioners will continue budget discussions, and July 8 is currently set aside for an extra meeting, should it be needed to continue those discussions.
The last regular meeting for the budget is already planned for Monday, July 8.
This would be the last meeting prior to the regular July 9 Minnehaha County Commission meeting, which would be the last date before any opt-out would need to be proposed.
During this process for the 2019 budget, the possibility of an opt-out was mentioned several times, especially in regard to the over $40 million jail expansion, but commissioners did not want to put themselves in a position of taking an opt-out before it was absolutely needed.
At that time, though, they strongly felt a need for that would come the next year, but at this time, there are no specific amounts or plans to ask taxpayers for more money.
However, it is why Barth made the call for people to pay attention to the upcoming budget process while it is happening.
Commission chair Jean Bender echoed Barth’s comments and suggested people get involved.
All regular Tuesday meetings have time set aside for general public comment and questions for items not on the agenda.
Plus, the public can always comment about any regular agenda items that occur.
Other business…
There was a first reading for three planning and zoning commission requests, the first two which will have second reading public meetings at the Tuesday, June 25 commission meeting.
The first matter concerns some minor changes being proposed to the 1990 Revised Zoning Ordinance to signage regulations.
The second involves of the already approved Perry Planned Development District near the intersection of Highways 11 and 42, east of Sioux Falls.
As planning administrator Kevin Hoekman explained, this relates to a 10,000 square foot section of land that would be in that district to have its zoning changed to accommodate the project.
The final zoning issue was for a hearing on Tuesday, June 18, to re-zone five acres of land southwest of Baltic from Ag use to Planned Development.
Planning director Scott Anderson said this had been denied by his commission at their May 20 meeting, but it was being brought to the full Minnehaha County Commission.
The change would be to accommodate a wedding barn/event center and a single-family residence.
The motion for the auditor to publish notices for these public meeting was unanimously approved for all of these measures.