Jan. Legion Report
The Henry G. Fix Post 23 meeting opened on Thursday, December 2nd at 8:00 pm. The meeting was opened by Commander Jon Schmidt with a salute to the Colors, POW/MIA observance, the Pledge of Allegiance, and Preamble to the American Legion Constitution. Chaplain Lampe offered the prayer. 24 members were present.
The Department Vice Commander Districts 3-8, Kevin Hempel was our special guest for the evening. The minutes of the previous meeting were presented and approved. The finance and social reports were approved. Bills were approved for payment.
Brian Siemonsma highlighted that our Post gave back over $11,000 to the community in 2024! Service Officer Nancy Grandy reported that Doris Nedved is doing well and was back in the Garretson area for Christmas. A congratulations card was sent to Brendan Harris on the birth of a child. A condolence card was sent to Jim Huls on the passing of his spouse. Our Adjutant gave the Post donation to the Christmas Fund for the Sioux Falls VA hospital.
The membership report has our 2025 goal at 201 members. We currently have a total of 177 renewed members (88%) at this point. Our January goal is 80%. Great job by the membership team!
Bob Bennett gave the Americanism report. He will be going to the school to promote Boy’s State and the Youth Trooper Academy. We have a student participating in the Oratory Contest! Paul Evenson reported that the Legislature begins on January 14th. The Color Guard took part in Garretson’s Hometown Parade with a trailer float.
Brian Siemonsma reported that the Legion is not saying much yet about the restructuring of the baseball programs to line up with SDHSAA. He expressed frustration with the lack of information coming from the American Legion in South Dakota. Brian will get with the coaches this month to begin work on this year’s season. Andy Lyngen made note that this is the 100 year anniversary for American Legion Baseball.
Our Post hosted the December 14th Hometown Christmas from 9 am to 1 pm with French toast on the menu. The turnout was very large with many generous donations. A motion passed to donate $500 to the Garretson Food Pantry, Garretson Ambulance, Garretson Fire Department, and Midwest Honor Flight. The crowd that gathered to watch the Army Navy game had a good time watching the game at the Post.
The next Post meeting will be February 6th with the meal at 7 pm and meeting at 8 pm. The next Post breakfast will be February 2nd from 9 am to 1 pm and will highlight omelets! The next County meeting will be held at our Post on February 25th. The next District meeting will be held March 30th in Garretson. The Department Mid-Winter Conference will be in Oacoma February 14th through the 16th. Department Vice Commander Kevin Hempel spoke on his campaign for Department Commander. He has served many positions in the American Legion and handed out flyers showing his past experience.
Beth Welch discussed the 2025 raffle tickets and encouraged members to pick up their tickets and begin selling. Schmidt shared a thank you note for the use of a wheelchair. We also received a note from Garretson Fire, and an invitation to the Commercial Club Annual Meeting. A donation and thank you came in from the Dave Stiefvater family.
The monthly raffle drawing took place. There were 5 drawings for January. The lucky winners were: Nick Shotzko, The Renner Corner, Barb Larson, Jacob Schneider, and Tim Lyngen. Each will receive $150!
Commander Jon Schmidt closed the meeting with the usual ceremony at 8:53 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Mark Wiesner, Post 23 Historian