The American Legion Auxiliary met on December 1 for a short business meeting before the annual Christmas party. Cheryl opened the meeting and Chaplain, Sue, led us in a prayer.
Roll call of officers indicated one absent. The secretary’s report was read, approved and placed on file. The treasurer’s report was read, approved and placed on file for audit.
Cheryl reported that membership is now at 156 with a goal of 188. Diane reported that 3 cards were sent during the month of November.
Cheryl reported on Bingo at Palisade HealthCare in November. Twenty four residents participated with help from a number of volunteers from our auxiliary.
On Veteran’s Day we served an evening meal to eleven veterans, including some spouses and we thank our auxiliary volunteers for that.
Liz made a motion to pay a postage bill and it was seconded by Liz. Kathy noted that all our obligations are now paid.
Denise will work with the school on the Americanism poems and essays. Liz will be working with Girls’ State in the upcoming months.
Bingo serving for Palisades HealthCare will be on December 14 and volunteers are needed.
Cash donations were collected for our December Christmas gift to the local food pantry.
-Ethel Kurtz, Secretary