The American Legion Auxiliary met on September 5, with President Cheryl Lyngen opening the meeting. Chaplain Sue opened with prayer. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited along with the Star Spangled Banner and the Preamble of the American Legion Auxiliary. The meal prior to this meeting was a potluck, served by the Auxiliary.
Roll Call indicated one missing with installation of officers to follow. The secretary’s report was given; one correction was made and it was placed on file.
Membership chairperson, Linda, reported that membership payment is progressing well.
Wini reported that two cards were sent this month.
There were no communications or bills.
New members inducted in the ceremony included: DaNan Kistler, Denise Schmidt, Kara Ross and Brenda Koenen.
Two new officers to be installed included DaNan Kistler as first Vice President and Denise Schmidt as Sergeant at Arms.
Kara Ross gave a talk on her senior project which included growing herbs and including them in recipes. The dishes using the herbs were served at our potluck this evening. She will complete her project at school with a 10-page report.
Rhonda will deliver dictionaries to the school to be distributed in the third grade. Several other volunteers will go also.
Ideas for Make A Difference Day were discussed to be determined later.
Our next meeting is on October 3 with a meal at 7:00 and meeting at 8:00.
Chaplain Sue closed with prayer. Door Prize was won by Denise.
-Ethel Kurtz, Secretary