MARCH, 2023
The American Legion Auxiliary met on Thursday, March 2 at 8:00. Before our meeting, at 7:00, we enjoyed a salad supper together. Chairman, Cheryl, opened our meeting and chaplain, Sue, led us in prayer.
Roll call of officers showed two absent. The secretary’s report was read, approved and placed on file. The treasurer’s report was read, approved and placed on file for audit. Noel Bonjour, our district president, from Canton, was welcomed to our meeting.
Cheryl reported that our membership is now at 180. She also reported that four cards were sent during the month of February. Bingo in February at Palisade HealthCare served 25 residents and went very well.
Noel Bonjour, our district president, gave an informative report on district happenings.
Liz moved that we pay the bill for cash prizes for our local Americanism poem and essay contest. The motion was seconded by Sue.
Legion Commander, Nancy, presented the Auxiliary with a check for $500.00 and thanked us for our service to others.
Bingo at Palisade HealthCare will be on March 8 and volunteers are needed.
Chaplain, Sue, closed the meeting with prayer and the door prize was won by Winnie.
-Ethel Kurtz, Secretary