The American Legion Auxiliary met August 5 with a very well attended corn and chicken meal. The Legion and auxiliary members met together for the opening preamble and the boys and girls staters each gave talks about their experiences. They all expressed enthusiasm about the event and the positive things that were gained.
Chairman, Cheryl, introduced guests and new members. She was given a recognition ribbon for 100% membership for this last year.
Roll call of officers indicated one absent.
The secretary’s minutes were read, approved, and placed on file.
The treasurer’s report was read, approved, and placed on file.
Our card chairman, Diane, reported that many cards have been sent out.
There is still no bingo at Palisades Health Care or the V.A. in Sioux Falls.
The communications were read by the secretary. It was noted that our new district president, Noelle Bonjour is initiating Mission 22 which raises awareness of veteran brain injuries and suicides. Thank you’s were read as well as one bill.
There was a memorial service for Debra Jones.
Fall District Meeting will be in Garretson on Saturday, September 25 with a social hour at 11:00, a meal at noon and meetings beginning at 1:00.
The honor flight fundraiser will be on October 3.
Our next unit meeting is on September 2 with our potluck meeting which our members will be serving. A-K – Salads and L-Z hot dishes. Cheryl will bring rolls and butter and Judy, DaNann, Shari and Linda will bring bars.
Chaplain, Sue gave the closing prayer and we concluded with the singing of “My Country Tis of Thee.
The door prize was won by Esther.
Ethel Kurtz, Secretary