The American Legion Auxiliary meeting was held on December 2 with Cheryl opening the meeting and Sue leading us in prayer. The pledge of allegiance was given as well as the roll call of officers. Officers absent were Rhonda, DaNann and Ethel.
The secretary’s minutes were read, approved and placed on file.
The treasurer’s report was read, approved and placed on file for audit.
It was reported that membership is now at 152 with a goal of 183.
There was no card report.
There will be no meeting in January.
A special thank you was given to Judy Hanson for delivering apples and candy to 85 school emloyees.
Poems and essay information will be taken to the school by Denise Schmidt.
Girl’s State information will be brought to the school with a March 1 deadline.
Cheryl gave future dates for auxiliary and community activities.
Care packages will be assembled in February and items can be brought to the meeting then,. More information will be given in our February newsletter.
Our donations will include $250.00 for the local food pantry and the Veterans Center in Sioux Falls will be contacted to see what their needs are.
Our next meeting is February 3 with no meeting in January.
Sue closed the meeting with prayer.
Kathy Evenson, Secretary Pro temp