The American Legion Auxiliary met on Thursday, February 2 at 8:00. Denise Schmidt conducted our meeting and Chaplain, Sue, gave our opening prayer.
Two officers were absent. The secretary’s report was read, approved and placed on file and the treasurer’s report was read, approved and placed on file for audit. Cheryl reported, via phone, that our membership is now at 176. Communications were read by the secretary.
There was some discussion on the judging of the students’ essays and poetry for the local school. Kathy will pick them up at the school and volunteers will evaluate them at the legion on Sunday, February 19th at 1:30. Denise Schmidt has been working with that.
Liz reported that we have received five applications for Girls’ State. After evaluation, Kathy moved that we send those five to Girls’ State and Winnie seconded the motion.
For new business, our bakeless bake sale will again be our fundraiser and we will ask Rhonda to work with this in May. Bingo at Palisade HealthCare will be on February 8 and volunteers are being contacted.
Our next auxiliary meeting will be on March 2 with an auxiliary salad meal at 7:00 and a meeting at 8:00.
Chaplain, Sue, closed the meeting with prayer and the door prize was won by Sue.
-Ethel Kurtz, Secretary