All good things must come to an end, but luckily, endings often mean new beginnings, as well. On Tuesday, Bob Sanders sold his business, Sanders Printing Co., to Preferred Printing, a sale that came about after several months of discussion.
"Sanders Printing Co., Garretson's oldest main street business, and perhaps South Dakota's oldest non-agriculture family business, has been sold to a Sioux Falls printing firm," Sanders announced.
"The Sanders Printing Co. was formed in 1906 when J. G. (John) Sanders bought the Garretson News," Sanders said. "He was one of seven brothers who were raised in a homestead near Nemaha, NE, a small Missouri River town a few miles north of the Kansas border. All of them would be associated with news papering throughout the Midwest and Great Plains."
Continued on Part 2 - Mailed Subscriber or higher level account required to view
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