Advertising.It's good for your business.

The Garretson Gazette is a legal newspaper published in Garretson, Minnehaha County, South Dakota. It is a tabloid-sized paper and runs 5 columns by 16" for a full page. Publication deadlines are 5:00 p.m. on Mondays for the week to be published.

Be seen. Be heard. Be known.

The more often a business name and services are seen, the more likely potential customers will think of you!

Advertising in a newspaper allows businesses to have a wide reach, giving exposure to a diverse population and many different types of customers. The Garretson Gazette reaches audiences not only in northeast Minnehaha County, but the surrounding area, including Brandon, Baltic, Dell Rapids, Jasper, Valley Springs, and Sioux Falls.

The Garretson Gazette is an established, respected source of information in the Garretson area. We take care to disseminate reliable information and news, which translates to respect for your business.

Newspapers are a tangible source of information. The vast majority of our readers receive a physical copy, which allows readers to interact with the paper, including saving your ad and business information.


Box Ads: $7.00/column inch "Happy" Ads: $18/wk Classifieds: $7.00 for first 25 words, $0.10/word after
Inserts: $0.15/ea (call or email for qty)

Professional Directory: $11.50/wk*
Community Events Sponsor: $8.00/wk*
* 3-month minimum commitment required
Add Color: $99/wk
Column width: 1.913" (gutter 0.167")

AD Design provided at No Extra Charge

Just think of the possibilities

See more of what week can do! (Sample Issue)
