Turkey smashes window at EROS

EROS experienced a moment of turkey turmoil Thursday morning (April 16) that ended in a broken window near the main door, pieces of glass scattered throughout the front entrance, and a dead bird on the floor.
Shortly after 9 a.m., Bob Smith with the security staff was driving along the loop from the guard station out front towards the W-5 entrance on the west side of the Center when he caught an unfolding drama out of the corner of his eye.
To his right, two turkeys were running full bore towards the Center. “What the heck?” Smith thought to himself when he saw a fox come galloping out of the weeds.
As Smith stopped to watch, the turkey in the lead took flight, gaining altitude as it went soaring over the building. The second turkey, however, appeared headed in a straight line as it lifted off and wasn’t getting any elevation at all, Smith said.
He’s going to run into the building if he doesn’t start climbing, Smith thought. And two to three seconds after that, “this turkey had to be going 25-30 miles per hour in the air,” he said. “When he hit that window, he just went through it like a bullet.”

At an estimated 20 to 30 pounds, the bird was traveling so fast that even after hitting the double-paned window, it traveled another 20-plus yards before skidding to a halt inside the building. Needless to say, it did not survive. The collision was so intense, Smith said, that pieces of glass were littered all the way to Robin Koopman’s Facility Management Office and beyond into the atrium.
Smith said he was not aware of any damage to displays or other items in or near the front entrance. With most people working these days from home and no public tours, there were few people in the building and no apparent injuries.
Turkeys are no stranger to the EROS campus. They have been known to damage dark-colored vehicles in the parking lots, and gather outside door entrances and windows, often leaving messes. Smith said he’s counted as many as 40 turkeys gathered together, though he said there are many more than that.