First Rate Excavate plans to begin removals on Phase 2 starting on Monday, March 31st, weather permitting. This project saw Phase 1 completed last fall, and included the area west of Eastern Avenue along with the side streets on Center, Canyon and Eastern between 3rd and 4th Streets. Phase 2 will include the area east of Eastern Avenue to Oak Drive.
The first part of removals will be from the west entrance of the Palisade Healthcare Center to the west side of the Fourth Street and Oak Drive intersection. On-street parking within the project limits will not be permitted. Access to Palisades Healthcare Center and the Avera Health Clinic will be maintained throughout the project. Gravel ramps will be installed to help facilitate vehicle traffic at Sherman Avenue and the west entrance of Palisade Healthcare Center. The attached exhibit outlines temporary parking locations for healthcare staff, patients, and Fourth Street residents.
In addition, a temporary mailbox cluster will be utilized for mail delivery during the project. These mailboxes will be located at the northeast corner of Fourth Street and Eastern Avenue. Garbage-N-More will also be placing temporary dumpsters at various locations along the project. Garbage truck access will be limited so please utilize the dumpsters for garbage collection and removal.
Following the asphalt removals, First Rate Excavate plans to begin installing sanitary sewer. They will also be adjusting water service curb stops and grading topsoil within the Phase 1 project limits. Once grading is complete, Splitrock Landscaping will place seed, fertilizer and mulch on all Phase 1 disturbed areas. Please note, the roadway improvements on Sherman Avenue and Eastern Avenue will begin later this spring / summer.
To receive the biweekly project newsletter, please email Carrie at or call the office at (605) 332-7211. Thank you for your on-going patience with the project!