2024 was quite a busy year, with so much going on it could be difficult to keep up with it all! The Gazette brought you plenty of headlines, covering local community members, local and area issues or concerns, and statewide news. Here, we present the first half of 2024 in news snippets and the biggest headlines of the year. Did you miss a story or two? Check them out on our website at garretsongazette.com, where all subscribers can access our archives at no extra cost (registration and log in may be required).
After 35 years at the helm of the Garretson Post Office, Deb Matthiesen retired as Postmaster. (1-4-24)
Youth wrestling had 38 entrants to Blue Dragon Tournament, which hosted 40 clubs. First place medals went to Lincoln Westover, Landon Bekaert, Miles Christensen, Jacob Miller, Dalton Story, and Caleb Miller. (1-4-24)
The Gazette played a guessing game to name former Garretson Elementary students from the mid-1900's thanks to the archives of a former teacher. (Dec '23-Jan '24)
In the spirit of giving, three GHS students, Brecken Weir, Levi Top, and Jakob Gnadt, gifted their friend and classmate Sebastian Deyoung a bike for Christmas. (1-18-24)
Rod Wolforth retired as First Bank & Trust Garretson Branch President after 49 years in the banking business (1-8-24). New bank president Jason Long assumed the role, and the Gazette ran a profile to allow local community members to get to know him. (1-25-24)
The council and the community got a first look at finalized 4th St plans and costs, outlining how the infrastructure (sewer and water) and street would be replaced. (1-25-24)
The 2024 South Dakota State Legislative Season took off like a shot with nearly 400 bills introduced between the House and the Senate. (1-25-24)
One of the largest ever Dean’s List and Honor Roll lists for college, high school, and middle school students from Garretson or enrolled in GMS/GHS was published. (2-1-24)
City utilities customers found out how the new surcharges would affect their bills, and it wasn't pretty. However, the surcharges were required by the state, and the infrastructure it is paying for was necessary. (2-8-24)
Local garbage hauler Garbage N More worked to increase recycling locally, starting with educating its customers on how recycling puts more money into customers' pockets. (2-8-24)
Winter sports started heading into their final matches, and the school wrestling program installed a new Wall of Fame in its practice room to be used to motivate wrestlers. However, the decision to place it in the wrestling room was controversial as some would have like to see the board installed in a public-facing space instead. (2-15-24)
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