We love seeing all these talented kids showing off their handywork. Above is this year’s 1st place winner Tenley Siemonsma. Judge Ruth Sarar’s Commentary: “This artist captured the peace and cozyness of Christmas - what we all need!”
Thank you to
Alliance Communications,
Blue Dragon Academy,
the City of Garretson,
Don’s Auto,
First Bank and Trust,
Garretson Food Center,
Garretson Insurance,
Jesse James Country Store,
Kibble Equipment,
Minnehaha Funeral Home,
Nordstrom’s Automotive,
Palisades Chiropractic,
Peoples Insurance,
Performance Press,
The Sports Cabin,
Steve’s Electric
and Vandersnick Excavating
for sponsoring this holiday drawing contest!
Ruth had one final comment to all the students. “It’s a real pleasure for me to see these drawings every year! Keep drawing sixth graders! You have wonderful ideas!”

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