Last week was FFA Week, a designated time to celebrate future farmers. The Garretson FFA utilizes this time to educate their fellow students on how farmers serve their communities and the world. They also use the time to provide community service.
Popular activities include dress-up days, a coloring contest, and the animal nursery.
On Monday, students and community members came together to make tie blankets for veterans and those in need of all ages. Participants made 35 blankets in two hours.

On Tuesday, FFA members did classroom education sessions and encouraged elementary students to submit their artwork for the coloring contest, and on Wednesday they sponsored a community blood drive. Staff and students dressed like an animal that day!
Thursday was the annual animal nursery, an event that FFA Advisor Alysha Kientopf says is the first thing she's asked about every year. This year, the nursery had donkeys, llamas, baby goats, a calf, horses and ponies, chickens, and an extraordinarily well-behaved cat.
Friday there was an assembly held for elementary students, and everyone was encouraged to dress in blue and gold, the designated FFA colors. The group finished off their week with the community appreciation breakfast, which was very well attended this year.
"FFA is going well this year, our Market Plan won State Leadership Competition back in December and will be advancing on to National Competition in October 2022," said Kientopf. "Our chapter membership continues to climb, and we have a group of future leaders among us. I am really excited to see where the next few years has in store for our chapter and our youth."