The SD FFA Convention, has been rescheduled for May 12-14th, with a new virtual delivery and format. Inspirational messages will center around their year’s theme, “The Time is Now.” The public is invited to tune in: http://sdffafoundation.org/conv2020/ and help us recognize the hard work of our FFA members.
Career Development Events, showcasing members skills in various agricultural fields were held online May 6 & 7, with over 1000 members from 71 chapters competing. Events included:
Ag Business Management, Ag Mechanics, Agronomy, Dairy Cattle Evaluation, Floriculture, Food Science, Horse Judging, Livestock Judging, Meats Evaluation, Milk Quality, Natural Resources, Nursery Landscape, Poultry Evaluation and Veterinary Science. The top teams will be recognized during the virtual session Thursday May 14th starting at 7 pm, and the winners from this competition will advance to National Convention this fall.
Convention sessions will also feature state officer retiring addresses; Proficiency, Agriscience and National Chapter awards; scholarships; state degree recipients; the Stars Pageant; keynote speakers; sponsor recognition; and the election of the new state officers. A variety of videos will be posted throughout the 3 days and the sessions recognizing student achievements will air at 12 noon, 3:00 pm, 7:00 pm each day. Sessions will be led by the current state officer team: President - Shelby Ruland, Wall; Vice President - Blake Pulse, Salem; Secretary. Tori Rasmussen - Hudson; Treasurer - Nathan Linke, Woonsocket; Reporter - Sadie Vander Wal, Brentford; and Sentinel - Sami Wiseman, Crooks.
A Virtual Career Carnival will feature videos from industry exhibitors, and Virtual Workshops will occur throughout the week for FFA members to interact live with ag industry representatives.
Visit the SD FFA Foundation convention website, for links to sessions, career carnival, workshops, and more. Join us in celebrating SD FFA and our outstanding members: http://sdffafoundation.org/conv2020/. Schedule of sessions is attached.
The SD FFA Foundation is proud to support Agricultural Education and the FFA's mission to make a difference in the lives of students by developing their potential for premier leadership, personal growth and career success through agricultural education. For more information about the South Dakota FFA Foundation and South Dakota's FFA programs, visit www.sdffafoundation.org or follow us on Facebook.