By Dave Baumeister, County Correspondent

SIOUX FALLS – With only three commissioners present, business was light at the Tuesday, March 3, Minnehaha County Commission meeting, and the most pertinent information concerned upcoming events.
County Highway Superintendent DJ Buthe asked for and received approval for a $1.2 million utility relocation to hire East River Electric as part of the County Highway 146 reconstruction project in Split Rock and Valley Springs Townships.
Buthe explained that in completing the project, private utilities will need to be relocated. This reconstruction represents almost seven miles of road between SD Highway 11 and the Minnesota border.
This reconstruction has been discussed for some time, and Buthe said this is the “most dangerous section of road in our county.”

Also, Kevin Hoekman with the Planning and Zoning Office presented information about a public hearing to be held at the commission meeting on Tuesday, March 24, for the re-zoning of an area from A1 Agricultural to C1 Commercial.
Hoekman told commissioners that at the Planning and Zoning meeting, it was recommended that the re-zone for the property owned by Sorum Holdings be denied, after hearing from area residents.
He said that a main area of concern was flooding in that area.
The land in question is near the Renner Corner by the intersection of SD 115 and County Highway 130.
This week, the commission also made its annual proclamation for the Sioux Empire Water Festival being held at the University of Sioux Falls March 10 and 11.
The proclamation read that 2,100 fourth graders from 39 different schools would be taking part in learning about the Big Sioux Aquifer and the importance of fresh water to area communities.
For this week’s meeting on March 10, it was expected that there would be a report from Commissioners Jeff Barth and Cindy Heiberger on their trip to Washington, D.C. for the 2020 National Association of Counties conference.
The Minnehaha Commission has its regular meetings each Tuesday at 9 a.m. on the second floor of the county administration building at 6th and Minnesota in Sioux Falls.
These meetings are open to all, and public comment is always encouraged.