The Garretson Commercial Club will be sponsoring the Hometown Christmas in Garretson, starting Friday Dec. 8 and going to Sunday Dec. 10. From all accounts this looks to be the biggest Hometown Christmas events in recent years.
“Come to town to celebrate Garretson Hometown Christmas with your friends and neighbors,” said Lurene Vandersnick, president of the Garretson Commercial Club. “We’ve got a lot of good things going this year, a few unique things that people are going to enjoy."
The main events will be downtown on Saturday, Dec. 9 starting at 9 a.m. with the Customer Appreciation Breakfast at the Legion. Santa will be at the Legion from 10 a.m. to noon with kids’ crafts. Downtown there will be toddler train rides, wagon rides and fire truck rides again.
There will also be events at the museum, the Garretson Library and all of the local businesses will hold either events or specials.
And of course, there is the Murder Mystery Dinner Theater being held on Friday and Saturday night, the event starting at 6:30 p.m. on both nights. To help you plan your weekend, here is the full schedule: